Counselling Helpdesk

Founded in 2021, the VMM Counselling Helpdesk is an independent safe space for everyone in the mid-​level academic faculty at D-​MATH to ask questions and to share concerns in a strictly confidential environment. We assist in mediation and provide answers to department-​ or employment-​related questions. We are here to support you in difficult times.

Who are we?

We are volunteers from the VMM belonging to D-​MATH.

Our purpose

At the VMM Counselling Helpdesk, we aim to help you find solutions in early stages of conflicts on academic, administrative or personal issues. If you have any questions concerning, for instance, writing a research plan, experience conflicts with your supervisor, or have any other problems concerning your work situation, we are here to assist you. We can provide you with information and refer you to the appropriate centers if more specialized help is needed, for example, regarding rights and working conditions. In any case: no action will be taken along the process without your prior consent. We are here to listen and support, in a confidential way.


We are looking for new volunteers to take over this duty! If you are interested and want to know more, contact
In the meantime, if you are looking for help, please contact one of the other services listed below.

Counselling service provided by AVETH

If you would be more comfortable with asking your questions to an outsider of the department, you can write an e-​mail to the AVETH counsellors. You can contact the peer-​to-peer Counselling service when you need advice or just a talk about anything professional or personal related.
Contact by Mail:


The Department of Mathematics fosters a responsible and supportive environment where people treat each other respectfully regardless of origin, education, religion, beliefs, physical ability, gender or sexual identity.
The Help@D-​MATH offers assistance if you witness or experience inappropriate bevavior at your workplace.


The “Vertrauensperson” offers advice on the following topics: workplace conflict and conflict involving instructors, whistle blowing in case of suspected illegal action by members of ETH Zurich, other cases of breaches of ETH Zurich’s compliance guide.
Vertrauensperson at D-​MATH: Horst Knörrer
Vertrauensperson at ETH: Further information

Trusted intermediaries

The trusted intermediaries serve as contact persons for all questions of research integrity. Some examples include: authorship conflicts, suspected plagiarism in scientific publications, falsification and fabrication of data, problems with sharing data or handing them over when leaving ETH Zurich, conflicts of interest, insufficient support for junior scientist (in collaboration with the vice rector of doctoral studies).
Trusted intermediaries:

Psychological counselling service

You can contact the Professional Psychological Counseling Service that provides professional counselling for students and doctoral students. These services are not available for postdocs.
Psychological Counseling: service

Respect, SSHE, Advice Centre

If you are bothered by bullying, harassment or discrimination, you can contact the specialized unit within ETH concerned with mutual respect or the specialist unit SSHE: Threats and violence, and external advice centre: Bullying, harassment and discrimination.
Respect campaign:
Advice centre: info@fachstelle-​

Nightline Zurich

Nightline Zurich, an independent help-​line from students for students of ETH Zurich, UZH, ZHAW, ZHdK and PHZH, can be reached anonymously and confidentially during the semester from Monday to Friday 20.00-​24.00 by phone and via e-​mail or chat at
Call nightline: 044 633 77 77